Coming soon...
Learn Propositional Logic
A few years ago I created an application to help my students study propositional logic. It had two features: practice assembling well-formed formulas, and practice truth-tables on well-formed formulas. I've gotten much better at coding since I created that version, so I'm building a new and improved edition. The old one used HTML and CSS for the UI, and JavaScript to evaluate formulas and truth-tables. The new version will be an Electron app.
Formal Language Framework
In the process of developing logic education software, I am designing a means to represent the syntactic and semantic rules of a formal language. As this project progresses, I will be able to create applications for learning and studying more sophisticated logical languages.
Turing Machine Simulator
When I co-taught the course "Alan Turing at Work", I had my students program their own Turing Machines with an application I designed. Foolishly, I never backed up my work, and when my old Macbook bit the dust I lost this program forever. Like the original propositional logic app, though, my code had a lot of room for improvement, so I'm building a new Turing Machine Simulator.